She is Grace by name and nature, although she wasn't full of it because of being born on a Tuesday, (she was born on a Thursday), and it's hard to believe we could discern her character at the very young age we named her. Nevertheless, she is indeed a gentle and sweet natured thing and doesn't squabble with the other dogs and bats her to-die-for eyelashes at any passing human to attract their attention for fuss. When seeking human contact she is, in keeping with her character, always less full on than some of our other dogs, as exemplified by her habitual climbing on the back of any sofa you are sitting on and shuffling along until she can rest her head upon your shoulder.
Merryn is a Celtic name that we happened across and liked and this might seem to lend her a mysterious air, but like all dogs, she is really rather straight forward. She is home bred, being the daughter of Elsa, and is a fluffy high-spirited dog like her mother, although thankfully she hasn't inherited Elsa's habit of swimming across the nearby river to run around on the other side for a stressful ten minutes or so before deigning to swim back to us. Merryn is also, again like her mother, a very affectionate dog, her party trick being to insert herself behind you if you are sitting upright, and reach up and put her (often) wet front paws on your shoulders and her wetter nose on your neck. on your neck.